Yay, We Won!!

Yay, We Won!!
Now Where's My Carrot??

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The whiffle tree as metaphor....

Ah, more whiffle tree talk ~ just what you were hoping for, I'm sure. lol Well, other than it sounding rather whimsical, there is a reason for the name of this blog....

The two main points of contact between the horse and the carriage can be found on either end of the whiffle tree. This is the fulcrum, the point where the kinetic energy that makes a carriage ride possible is transfered from the movement of the horse's massive shoulders, to the collar, along the 'line of draft' through the traces, to the carriage.
So there it is. I'd like this place to be a virtual "whiffle tree"~ a transfer point where the energy from the exchange of ideas, information, and history provides the reader with a delightful and insightful "ride" into the rich and colorful world of NYC's Horse-Drawn Carriages.


MichaleenFlynn said...

Are these comments working or not???

Chinese Frank said...

I love the picture of the horse and carriage on CPS..but isnt it backwards?

DF said...

Yes, they are working!

MichaleenFlynn said...

Hello Chinese Frank! Why yes, yes it is facing the wrong way - how do you suppose that happened? LOL

NormaDesmond said...

I must confess to never having heard the term whiffle tree until now. I love the way you've used it here -- great pix and overall lay-out, too! I look forward to visiting often.

MichaleenFlynn said...

Why, thank you Norma! What a darling you are in that profile pic. How is dear C.B.? We simply must get together soon.